Complicate, eradicate, contemplate, alleviate
Misinterpretations they hurt my mind at the end of the day when I be trying to unwind.
I walk into my living room and put a movie in, the people in the window point at me and yell “Sin”!
Complicate, eradicate, contemplate, alleviate
Rebecca: “Paul”!
[A long pause…Rebecca scratches her empty fucking head and drools.]
Rebecca: “Paaaauuuul”!
Frank: “Shut the fuck up you retard, that’s not my name”.
Rebecca: “Weh wer yoo”?
Frank: “Oh you mean for the last five minutes?...Because you asked me this five minutes ago and the answer is still the same. RIGHT! FUCKING! HERE!”
[Rebecca begins to sob like a retard. Frank looks at his groin.]
Frank: “Wow my dick feels heavy today”!
Rebecca: “Wuuuuh”?
Mysterious man: “Hey, did I overhear you talking about levies”?
Frank: “No, I said my dick feels heavy”.
Mysterious man: “Oh…well okay. I guess I’ll be going then as I do not wish to discuss anything of the sort. It’s not that I think any less of you for thinking and or talking about dicks and how being heavy, as they can be, affects day to day life, but I have to say, this is a subject that I have a rather sensitive relationship with and do not wish to talk about it, in fear of making me get all fucked up in my noggin. I don’t want to end up like her now, do I”?
[Rebecca mutters the ‘muppet babies’ theme song to herself while picking her nose. The reject can’t even fucking do that right and she picks too hard.]
Rebecca: “WAAAAAHHHHHHH”!!!!!
Frank: “Oh fuck! I think my retard went and scraped another sliver off of her already dwindled prune of a brain.”
Mysterious Man: “Oh, I’m sorry dude, I didn’t know that your sister had a real mental disorder”.
Frank: “She’s not my sister, and don’t be afraid to say retard”.
Mysterious man: “My name is Paul”.
Paul: “There, I don’t have to write “Mysterious man” anymore, finally we know my fucking name. I figured you’d ask it eventually but noooooooo you fucking go on and on about you. Don’t you have the fucking manners to introduce yourself to people? Which one of us here is retarded, you know? Idiot”.
Frank: “What are you”?
Paul: “I am a spirit from another dimension; I am similar to what you humans know as a question, or those whispers that cats have. I managed to link us by channeling this weak-minded reetee. I’m lucky I found one this rainbow-faced, this late in the season. I wanted to meet you and explain to you that you live in a meaningless construct of a superior being. Your master, or God if you will, is none other than Bathtub Von Ducky Man”!
[They both stare at each other for a while.]
Paul: “well”?
Frank: “Get the hell out of my hands devil liaison”!
[The two fight. Rebecca wins. And by that I mean she farts and then cries.]
The end, so fuck off.