“My daughter and her new boyfriend are supposed to coming over today. Everyone is excited. All of the maids are anxious to see not only the beautiful slab of man that Ophelia is undoubtedly bringing us but also the footprints of age that father time has graced Ophelia’s face with. She was always so beautiful, my daughter. She left the house when she was nineteen. She was college bound and chomping at the bit for a taste of the real world. To her the world was a bottle Jack Daniels and she was going to get hammered on life”.
“After she left our humble home she flew westward to UCLA. There she majored in journalism. She was top of her class and one of the most promising student journalists in all of California. Her writing was beautiful. Her words could make even the hardest of badasses tear up after reading one of her position papers on homelessness or AIDS in Africa. After she graduated she took a year off to experience life in western America before she started working for a fancy paper from the east coast. And this is where her new boyfriend comes in”.
“His name is River Jones. When I heard the name I imagined a blue jeans ad. I really hope he doesn’t suck as bad as those commercials do. Watching those commercials is the worst thing ever”.
“She told me many a time on the phone about how sweet he was beneath his rough exterior. I could tell he was blowing smoke up her ass”.
“It was time I blew something else up his”.
“Three days later I was arrested for the murder of River O. Jones. A few days following the incident I was put on trial and convicted for my sins. I am currently serving my 80 year sentence. I’ve been here for 26 days and it already feels like an eternity”.

...Also, here's another picture I had taken a while ago. The person in the photo is one of my roommates.
River Jones can't be dead, because no man would've been able to get to him before Beauford Montgomery did. The real River Jones is on the run, and Beauford Montgomery is hot on his trail. With him he takes his trusty six-shooter, loaded with just one bullet meant only for River Jones, or, should Beauford never find him, himself.
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